Between two Deaths
Mahsa Hosseini Naghavi explores the relationship between our conceptions of death, the afterlife and the role played by religion in mediating and even facilitating our relationship to death.
View the exhibition images below
Instagram: @mahsaeli

Mahsa_Hosseini_Naghavi: I'm lost can you find me? 2021, Monoprint, ink, rag paper, 15" x 11"

Mahsa_Hosseini_Naghavi: Marching to the Gallows, 2021, Monoprint, ink, rag paper, 15" x 11"

Mahsa_Hosseini_Naghavi: Soon to be Ashes, 2021, Monoprint, ink, rag paper, 15" x 11"

Mahsa_Hosseini_Naghavi: Something beyond me, 2021, Monoprint, ink, rag paper, 22.5" x 17"

Mahsa_Hosseini_Naghavi: Body can be lost 1, 2021, Monoprint, ink, rag paper, 30.5" x 22"

Mahsa_Hosseini_Naghavi: Body can be lost 2, November 2021, Monoprint, ink, rag paper, 30.5" x 22"

Mahsa_Hosseini_Naghavi: On goes the Hangman's tale, 2021, B5 pen, paper, 24" x 19"

Mahsa_Hosseini_Naghavi: Houses for Sale, 2022, Diptych Monoprint, ink, rag paper, 23" x 16"