VARIED REALIZATIONS. Students began developing their self-directed body of artwork through a process of iterative making, variation and re-imagining their methods and thematic content. The following 4090 students showed their work at the end of the fall term in the exhibition, Parts.

view of Special Projects Gallery

Andrew Atanasoff  |  Gashta Berahman  |  Kile Brindley-Reid  |  Francesca Caputo  |  Julie Devlin  |  Alexis Downing  |  Emily Horton  | Yu-Yen  Huang  |  Rafeea Kunji  |  Samantha Mcleish  |  Linda Rysan  |  Anna Sadikov  |  Taranpreet Takhar  |  Yuki  Tam  |  Shin Tousi

Parts  SPG 11.2022

Samantha McLeish

Rafeea Kunji

Francesca Caputo

Yu-Yen Huang

Julie Devlin